Monthly Archives: March 2013

Danger at the Jobsite? Call OSHA|Peligro en el Trabajo? Llame a OSHA

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration is responsible for developing obligatory health and safety norms, and for ensuring that these norms are followed through inspections, employer outreach programs, and fines and citations for violations. La Administración de la Salud y

Posted in Rights, Training

Temp Worker Conference | Conferencia de Trabajadores de Agencia

On Saturday, April 24, 100 temp agency workers in the state of New Jersey gathered to discuss the many problems that they face in there line of work. The participants indentified a number of grave health and safety dangers, both

Posted in Conference, Training

Don’t Rely on Only Divine Providence to Protect Yourself From Falls | No Depienda de Sola La Providencia Devina Para Protejerse De Caidas

Falls represent the greatest share of worker fatalities within the construction industry. Proper fall protection should eliminate the danger of falling, prevent falls, and ensure that workers who may fall do not severely injure themselves. (English translation coming soon) .

Posted in Training